"Pre-quarantine"- To isolate for 14 days, from others before you see your family and friends.
The holidays are upon us. Families may be staying in their homes and avoiding gatherings while others may be traveling to see others. During a pandemic, it is important to protect yourself and your loved ones, from others but also from each other.
When considering whether or not to visit loved ones also consider the consequences for all of you afterward. Are YOU prepared to stay home for 14 days after exposures of this kind, are your family members? If someone you love feels fine, visits in your home, what happens during, and what happens afterward? Should one of you be harboring illness and not know it, everyone is at risk of becoming ill.
Thinking of the loved ones you would like to see in person over the holidays, consider giving them the gift of "pre-quarantine". What is that? Staying home for 14 days ahead of the date you will be sharing time together. Minimizing your exposure to others in an effort to enjoy the holidays. Nothing is guaranteed, however, the effort will be appreciated.
As a doctor, I see people with varying levels of health, many are individuals who are immune-compromised. We have made it safer for everyone to continue their healing journey by offering online appointments. In my office, should you have traveled or hosted guests, I want you to be aware that you will have to reschedule your care to a virtual visit or for 14 days from exposure and travel.
Below are my COVID19 Screening questions, before coming in for a visit consider your answers. If you cannot answer no to these questions, we can have your visit online instead of in person.
COVID-19 Screening Questions:
In the past 2 weeks have you:
had a new onset of fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, muscle aches or loss of taste/smell?
had a new or worsening run nose, nasal congestion, headache, or nausea/vomiting/diarrhea that is not related to a chronic condition or allergies?
been tested for COVID19?
been in close contact (6 ft for more than 5 minutes) with anyone who has been out of state, flown, or exposed?
asked to quarantine or been exposed to a person who is confirmed positive for COVID19?
have you or anyone in your home traveled out of state?
I certify that I can honestly answer “NO” to all of the above questions
If you have a health concern reach out, we may be able to have an online consultation that could address your concern without having to leave the house. We have made it easy to get the care you need.
Take care,
Dr. Shaw
